Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) - JORDAN

Humanitarian workers and professionals are increasingly exposed to challenging, insecure, remote or hostile environments due to lawlessness, political instability and armed conflict. It is essential they are adequately prepared for any dangers they may encounter.

RedR Australia's internationally recognised Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) prepares individuals to work in crisis zones or a range of hostile situations. This rigorous classroom and simulation training will enhance your knowledge of personal security so you are prepared to face difficult security situations.

The training course integrates Tactical and Trauma Emergency Casualty Care training, giving you the skills and knowledge to operate in hostile environments around the world. Our trainers will deliver a combination of theory and practical based emergency medical training, teaching you the skills to manage ballistic, penetrating and blast trauma. Skills learnt on the training course include commercial and improvised tourniquets and hemorrhage control, airway management of an unconscious casualty and an array of improvised techniques teaching students how to save and preserve life with limited resources.

Who is this course for?

The Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) course is designed for people from all professional backgrounds and disciplines, and completion of the EHP and HEAT courses are prerequisites for full RedR Roster membership.

This course is targeted at individuals and aid agency staff wanting to learn more about personal safety and security issues and the steps they need to take to remain safe or survive in a hostile or insecure situation or environment.

The course is in English and is supported by Arabic speaking Trainers. You need to have a reasonable proficiency of the English language.

Find out if this course is right for you. Contact our training team for more information - [email protected] 

29 Sep - 02 Oct 2024
24 Nov - 27 Nov 2024
09 Feb - 12 Feb 2025
18 May - 21 May 2025
Amman, Jordan

Degree of Difficulty

Please note that this course is both psychologically and physically demanding.

While personnel are in place to help participants achieve the learning objectives of the course, given the demands placed on both body and mind, physical and mental fitness is to be considered when selecting this course.

Our Training Team

Our highly experienced trainers deliver a unique and high quality training experience.

Our trainers have extensive experience in complex emergencies and natural disasters in Africa, the Middle East, the Americas and the Asia Pacific.

Learning Objectives

Aims and Objectives

This course aims to introduce a standard and recognised approach to managing security within the sector. It provides an overview of individual and team risk management.

Course Objectives

Reduce the risk of injury and death to humanitarian workers by promoting:

  • An understanding of security risks in the field environment
  • The development of personal and team-based strategies
  • Effective use of communication and navigation devices
  • Successful application emergency first aid

Course Outline

  • Tactical and Trauma Emergency Casualty Care 
  • Humanitarian Security Context (inc Image and Acceptance)
  • Trip Planning
  • Communications Protocol and Equipment
  • Field Preparedness and Evacuation
  • Critical Incident Stress
  • Navigation
  • Weapons Awareness: Judging Distance
  • Weapons Awareness: Movement under Fire
  • Basics of Negotiation
  • Sexual Assault
  • Hostage and Kidnap Survival (inc Hostile Observation Awareness)
  • Physical Security
  • Vehicle Check Points/Road Blocks
  • Crowds, Mobs and Demonstrations
  • Incident Reporting

Course Fees

Full rate: USD $2,450

Inclusions: All food, accommodation tuition and training materials for four days and three nights. Travel is not included.

Course fees are in US dollars and can be paid in full via credit card through our secure payment facility. Organisations are able to request to receive an invoice and pay via bank transfer.

Essential Course Information

Training Times

Registration takes place from 09:00am on the first day of the course. To receive your course certificates you must complete the entire course.

Travel and Accommodation

Please arrange your own travel to and from our training venues. Accommodation is included in the course fee. Full payment of course fees is required prior to attendance.

Travel insurance is recommended for all applicants and is mandatory for international participants.

Pre-course Learning

It is strongly recommended that you complete a preparatory on-line training package before attending the HEAT. This will deepen your learning of personal security issues and allow you to contribute more fully to the practical scenarios in the training. 

RedR Australia recommends the following e-learning course, which is free to access.

BSAFE – United Nations Department of Safety and Security

  • All applicants to the RedR Australia humanitarian roster are required to complete the United Nations BSAFE certificates as a prerequisite to be accepted on our roster.
  • This training is mandatory for all candidates wishing in the future to deploy with a UN agency.
  • The training introduces security material, outlines the UN approach to security issues and provides comprehensive information on the UN Security System as it operates around the world.
  • The training course takes one hour to complete and is mobile friendly. An Advanced Security in the Field certificate is also available.

Please refer to your course orientation guide, received upon enrolment, for more detailed essential course information.